
Showing posts with the label machop

Machop Community Day in January 16, 2021

The first Community Day event of 2021 has come in Pokemon Go. Today, January 16, is Community Day, and it promises to provide players all around the globe the opportunity to capture a new featured Pokemon, learn another event-exclusive move, and take advantage of additional in-game advantages. To help you prepare for the event, we've compiled a list of everything you need to know about Community Day in January 2021. Pokemon GO CREDIT: NIANTIC   It's time for the first Pokemon GO Community Day of 2021, albeit recent developments have made this seem more like a special DLC for 2020 than anything else. Regardless, there is never a genuinely poor moment to go outdoors and collect Pokemon, so if you've been feeling anxious about anything other than the game, maybe the best move is to go out and stroll about for a little while, letting these tiny critters direct your path. And Community Day is an excellent day for it. Let's get started with the Machop