Gorebyss #368
Evolution family
Gorebyss is part of a three-member family .
188. # 366 Clamperl
# 367 Huntail
# 368 Gorebyss
Gorebyss was released at the start of the Clamperl Limited Research on February 23 rd , 2019 .
Shiny form of Gorebyss was released on the same day.
Gorebyss can be acquired by evolution only.
Gorebyss is a pink snake with a long, narrow mouth. This sharp mouth stabs victims and drains their bodily fluids. It has been seen feeding on seaweed that grows between stones. Its pink skin brightens in the spring and after feeding. The color of its body vary with water temperature, with Gorebyss in Alola having blindingly bright colour. A long, purple-tipped fin protrudes from the top of its head, while a narrow, pointed fin protrudes from under its skull. It has two purple shells on its breast, giving it the appearance of a mermaid.