
Showing posts with the label tucson

Tucson Heart Walk 2019 Event

In April 2019,  The American Heart Association in Tucson, Arizona Tucson Heart Walk 2019 Event is Here! started collecting for their annual Heart Walk, but they received an unexpected sponsor this year: Niantic Labs. Getting Niantic engaged was the work of one community member named Greg Taylor, who contacted them through email and asked if they wanted to be part and conduct a special event in conjunction with the walk. They conversed, and finally, Niantic approved this approach, and the team "Luvdisc Your Heart" was formed. Greg had said that the event sounded like a nice match, being about improving one's health, so it didn't hurt to inquire if Niantic would be interested in participating. This incident spread like wildfire not just in Tucson, but also across the state. Luvdisc Your Heart had 446 registered walkers, making it the greatest team by number of registered walkers, and raised $8,990, exceeding the $3,000 objective. Also, Niantic Labs was the &