
Showing posts with the label chikorita

Chikorita #152

The Pokemon Chikorita is one of the numerous creatures that may be captured in Pokemon Go. See the prerequisites for evolving Chikorita here. Chikorita is from the second generation region of Johto and was added to the game on February 16, 2017. #152 Chikorita Info   Type Candy Needed to Evolve Grass 25 Chikorita Candy Evolution Evolves into:  Bayleef , Meganium Evolves from:  None Hatches from:  Egg (5KM) Combat Moves When in battle, touch the screen to attack with combat moves, and the Pokemon will release their attacks as quickly as they can. Attacks that are repeated will fill the bars on their specific meter. When any or all of the bars are full, press and hold the screen for a few seconds to unleash a special move. Possible Attack Moves Name Type Damage Vine Whip Grass 8 Tackle Normal 10 Possible Speci

Chikorita Community Day in September 22, 2018

Niantic, the creators of Pokemon Go , has revealed the first information about the game's forth coming Community Day. The September event will take place on Saturday, September 22 , all around the globe, and will feature one of the starting Pokemon from Gold and Silver. Chikorita Community Day is revealed and Chikorita , a Grass-type Pokemon, will be the focus of September's Community Day , making it much simpler to locate than normal. During the event, players will have a higher chance of encountering a Chikorita while playing. During the Community Day , the Pokemon will also be able to learn a special move, but Niantic has yet to specify what it will be. <\/iframe>","480":" <\/iframe>","siteType":"responsive web","startMuted":false,"startTime":0,"title":"Pokemon%20Go%20-%20Play%20Together%2C%20Trade%20Together%20Trailer","tracking":["name":&q