

Qwilfish is a water creature with a spherical body and a flat, paddle-shaped tail. It has a dark teal top half and a fairly pale yellow bottom half. It has a long and narrow tail with a dark teal perimeter, a bright yellow interior, and two dark teal dots in the middle that look like the Japanese letter Ha. Its eyes are parallel to its body and are usually tilted fiercely. It has big pink lips under its eyes. Sharp, conical spikes surround its body, which developed from scales throughout time.

Qwilfish consumes almost 2.6 liters of water to enlarge its body before attacking. It then utilizes the water pressure to spray toxic quills at its opponent, causing them to swoon. Qwilfish is a poor swimmer due to its spherical body, and it struggles much more when filled with water.

Because of its nutrition, Qwilfish in Hisui differs from its Johtonian cousin. The bottom half is pale yellow, while the top half is black with dark purple tips to black spikes. Their front spikes on the brow are smaller. Qwilfish's eyes have crescent purple lines underneath them, and its lips are purple. It now has a broad, flat tail with a black outline and a purple inside with a pattern similar to the letter "q."

Hisuian Qwilfish are detested by the local fishermen owing to their venom, which causes havoc in the oceans where they thrive.

Hisuian Qwilfish and its evolved version, Overqwil, are the only Pokémon known to know the move Barb Barrage.


Evolution family

Qwilfish is part of a one-member family.



#211 Qwilfish
#211 Hisuian Qwilfish

50 Buddy_Indicator_icon
#904 Overqwil



#211 Qwilfish

#211 Hisuian Qwilfish

50 Buddy_Indicator_icon

#904 Overqwil



  • Qwilfish was released along with the main release of Johto-region Pokémon on February 16th, 2017.

  • Shiny_Pokemon_icon Shiny form of Qwilfish was released at the start of Pokémon GO Fest 2020 on July 25th, 2020.

Method Maximum CP Details

(weather boosted)
In wild since 2017 Feb 16Increased spawns in:
Team GO Rocket Celebration: 2021 Feb 2 - 7
Pokémon GO Fest 2020: Jul 25 - 26
Team GO Rocket Global Take-over: 2020 Mar 6 - 9
Water Festival 2019: Aug 23 - 30 (around water)
Water Festival 2018: Jun 7 - 21
Water Festival 2017: Mar 22 - 29
1,172 Increased chance/Previously in:
12-km - 2021 Feb 2 - 2022 Jan 24
5-km - Water Festival 2019: Aug 23 - 30
5-km - 2017 Feb 16 - Dec 8
Raid Battles

(weather boosted)
Tier 1 CP 6,029Visit List of Raid Bosses changes for complete appearance
Research tasks
879 Special Research/Timed Research:
Pokémon GO Tour: Johto Special Research - Completing 4th part
New Pokémon Snap Celebration - 3rd part: Take 3 snapshots of wild Water-type Pokémon

Hisuian Qwilfish

  • Hisuian Qwilfish was released at the start of Hisuian Discoveries on July 27th, 2022.

Method Maximum CP Details

(weather boosted)
Not in wild normallyIncreased spawns in:
Hisuian Discoveries: 2022 Jul 27 - Aug 2
1,220 Increased chance/Previously in:
7-km - Hisuian Discoveries: 2022 Jul 27 - Aug 2


Best moveset for Qwilfish

When fighting Pokémon in Gyms, Qwilfish's greatest moves are Water Gun and Aqua Tail. This moveset has the most overall DPS and is also the finest for PVP encounters.


  Water Gun 12 dps
  Aqua Tail 31.6 dps


  Poison Sting 10 dps
  Ice Beam 27.3 dps


 All moves

Quick move Damage EPS DPS
 Water Gun 5 10 12
 Poison Sting 5 11.7 10

Main move Damage EPS DPS
 Ice Beam 90 -15.2 27.3
 Aqua Tail 50 -17.4 31.6
 Sludge Wave 110 -31.3 41.3
 Acid Spray 20 -16.7 8
 Fell Stinger 50 -15 22.7

The green moves benefit from the Same Type Attack Bonus and deliver 20% more damage.


The Pokemon Qwilfish is one of the numerous monsters that may be captured in Pokemon Go. Qwilfish is a Johto second generation fish that was introduced in the February 16, 2017 update.

#211 Qwilfish Info

Type Candy Needed to Evolve
Water / Poison -


  • Evolves into: None

  • Evolves from: None

  • Hatches from: Egg (5KM)

Combat Moves

To use combat moves, touch the screen while in battle, and the pokemon will release their attacks as quickly as they can. Attacks that are repeated will fill the bars on their specific meter. When any or all of the bars are full, press and hold the screen for a few seconds to unleash a special move.

Possible Attack Moves
Name Type Damage
Poison Sting Poison 6
Water Gun Water 10

Possible Special Moves
Name Type Damage Number of Special Bars
Aqua Tail Water 50 2
Ice beam Ice 90 3
Sludge Wave Poison 110 1



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