Absol #359

Best moveset for Absol

When fighting Pokémon in Gyms, Absol's greatest moves are Snarl and Payback. This moveset has the most overall DPS and is also the finest for PVP encounters.


  Snarl 13.1 dps
  Payback 54.5 dps


  Snarl 13.1 dps
  Dark Pulse 32 dps


 All moves

Quick move Damage EPS DPS
  Psycho Cut 5 13.3 8.3
  Snarl 12 12.7 13.1

Main move Damage EPS DPS
  Dark Pulse 80 -16.7 32
  Megahorn 110 -45.5 50
  Thunder 100 -41.7 41.7
  Payback 100 -45.5 54.5
  Frustration Shadow 10 -16.5 5
  Return Purified 35 -47.1 50

The green moves benefit from the Same Type Attack Bonus and deliver 20% more damage.


Absol is a mammalian quadruped with a dark blue to black body coated in white fur. It wears a ruff around its neck and breast, as well as a tuft on top of its head with a single blue-black oval. Absol's face resembles a wu wei sign due to its dark complexion, the curve of its white fur on its head, and the placement of its horn. It features a feline visage, crimson eyes, a scythe-like tail, and a crescent-shaped horn on the side of its head. It has three claws on each of its large feet, and dewclaw-like spikes sprout from the heels of its hind legs and the elbows of its front legs. It moves with the pacing motion of a camel.

Mega Absol has longer hair overall, and the additional energy running through its body causes the fur at the rear of its mane to stand on edge, giving the appearance of wings.

The spikes on its heels and elbows become thicker, as does the fur in these locations. Its sickle-shaped horn expands, and another, smaller horn emerges on the other side of its head. Its tail is now more saw-like, and the oval insignia on its forehead has been rounded into a triangle.

Absol lives in the highlands, far from society, and seldom leaves its alpine habitat. Absol can detect even slight changes in the sky and land with its horn to forecast when a calamity will come and will attempt to warn humans when one is near. Absol is also recognized for its ability to protect fields from natural calamities. This often results in Absol being blamed for the accident, particularly by the elderly. Superstitions around Absol have fueled animosity for years. Regardless, some are intrigued by its capacity to forecast tragedy. Absol has been described as a foreteller of doom. Absol has the ability to move as quickly as the wind. Absol is known to live for up to 100 years.

Mega Absol emanates a terrifying aura that has been known to kill the faint of heart from shock. This aura is directed towards its opponents by beating its "wings," which are incapable of flight. However, Absol seems to loathe taking on this form, since it dislikes combat in general.

Evolution family

Absol is part of a one-member family.

  • Regular

  • Shiny


#359 Absol

200 Absol_mega_energy Absol_mega
Mega Absol




#359 Absol

200 Absol_mega_energy Absol_mega_shiny
Mega Absol

Event Pokémon forms

  • Sprites Release
    Absol_sunglasses_shiny Absol_sunglasses Sunglasses Absol was released at the start of Fashion Week 2022 on September 27th, 2022.


    Shiny form of Sunglasses Absol was released on the same day.



  • Absol was released along with the main release of Hoenn-region Pokémon on December 8th, 2017.Shiny_Pokemon_icon

  • Shiny form of Absol was released on the same day.Icon_Shadow_Pokemon

  •  Shadow form of Absol was released at the start of Holiday 2019 on December 24th, 2019.

    • Shiny form of Shadow Absol was released on the same day.

Method Maximum CP Details
(weather boosted)
Not in wild normallyIncreased spawns in:
Fashion Week 2022: Sep 27 - Oct 3 (glasses)
Pokémon GO Fest 2021: Jul 17 - 18 (ticket only)
Team GO Rocket Event: 2020 Jul 10 - 15
Team GO Rocket Global Take-over: 2020 Mar 6 - 9
Global Challenge, Global Hatches: 2019 Sep 9 - 16
1,443 12-km Eggs since 2020 Oct 19Increased chance/Previously in:
5-km - Halloween 2020: Oct 23 - Nov 3
10&12-km - 2020 Oct 12 - 19
10-km - 2019 Feb 13 - 2020 Oct 12
5-km - Team GO Rocket Event: 2020 Jul 10 - 15
7-km - Hoenn Celebration 2019: Jan 15 - 29
Raid Battles
(weather boosted)
Tier 3 CP 18,195Visit List of Raid Bosses changes for complete appearance
Research tasks
1,083 Field Research:
Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader: 2021 Jul
Win 3 Raids: Extraordinary Raid Week
Make an Excellent Curveball throw: 2018 Jun
Special Research/Timed Research:
Fashion Week - Completing 6th part (glasses)
Mountains of Power - Completing 1st part
Misunderstood Mischief - Completing 15th part
Luminous Legends Y - Completing 6th part
Pokémon HOME Event - Completing 3rd part
GO Fest Weekly Challenge: Battle - Completing 3rd part
Throwback Challenge 2020: Hoenn - 6th part: Battle another trainer
Team GO Rocket
(weather boosted)
Rescuing from Leaders:
2019 Dec 24 - 2020 Feb 3
GO Battle League
1,443 Obtainable starting from rank:
16 (Season 11)

Mega Absol

  • Mega Absol was released at the start of part 2 of Halloween 2021 on October 22nd, 2021. Shiny_Pokemon_icon

  • Shiny form of Mega Absol was released on the same day.

  Mega Energy required:Absol_mega_energy (1)
Initial Base  High   Max   
200 40 20 10

Energy Sources Details
Mega Raid Battles
Obtain Mega Energy from Mega Raid Battle
Boss CP 37,583Catch CP 1,443/1,805 (weather boosted)
2021 Oct 22 - Nov 5
Research tasks
Field Research:
25× - Power up Pokémon 5 times;
70× - Power up Pokémon 10 times: A Mega Moment

Generation 3 Pokemon Absol Pokemon 359 in the Pokedex. It is of the dark kind and resides in the Hoenn area. Absol evolves into Mega Absol after using 200 mega energy.

How to find and catch Pokémon Absol?

This Pokemon may be found at the cemetery, as well as in squares and parks.

Pokemon Absol occurs rather seldom on the map. It may sometimes hatch from an egg or be captured during an event. Raids and field research have also been seen.

Absol Info

Type Candy Needed to Evolve
Dark --



To use combat moves, touch the screen while in battle, and the pokemon will release their attacks as quickly as they can. Attacks that are repeated will fill the bars on their specific meter. When any or all of the bars are full, press and hold the screen for a few seconds to unleash a special move.

Possible Attack Moves
Name Type Damage
Snarl Dark 12
Pyscho Cut Psychic 5

Possible Special Moves
Name Type Damage Number of Special Bars
Thunder Electric 100 1
Megahorn Bug 90 1
Darl Pulse Dark 80 2



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