Quagsire #195


Quagsire is a bipedal, amphibious Pokémon that is light blue in color. Its head is large and spherical, with a short neck that differentiates it from the rest of Quagsire's body. It has a large mouth and small, black eyes. A purple wavy line goes along its back. A dark blue fin runs down its spine, and the male has a bigger fin than the female. Both Quagsire's hands and feet have three digits. Its skin is slimy and slippery on the outside.

Quagsire is naturally careless and lethargic. It is an uneducated Pokémon that accidently bumps its head while swimming and does not appear to mind. It searches for food by keeping its mouth open in water and waits for unwitting prey to fall in. Because Quagsire does not move, it does not get very hungry and can thus afford to wait for its meal. Quagsire may be found in both pristine bodies of freshwater and muddy wetlands.

Wild Quagsire are portrayed in the anime having a yearly party at Blue Moon Falls when the moon is full. There, players use their attacks to send spherical things they've gathered to the top of a waterfall to see who can launch their objects the highest, with the obvious aim being the moon.


Evolution family

Quagsire is part of a two-member family.



#194 Wooper

50 Wooper_candy
#195 Quagsire



#194 Wooper

50 Wooper_candy
#195 Quagsire


  • Quagsire was released along with the main release of Johto-region Pokémon on February 16th, 2017.

  • Shiny_Pokemon_icon Shiny form of Quagsire was released at the start of Wooper Watch on December 10th, 2020.

  • Icon_Shadow_Pokemon Shadow form of Quagsire was released at the start of Wooper Watch on December 10th, 2020.

Method Maximum CP Details

(weather boosted)
In wild since 2017 Feb 16Increased spawns in:
Water Festival 2017: Mar 22 - 29
Raid Battles

(weather boosted)
Tier 3 CP 12,594Visit List of Raid Bosses changes for complete appearance


 Best moveset for Quagsire

When fighting Pokémon in Gyms, Quagsire's greatest attacks are Water Gun and Earthquake. This moveset has the most overall DPS and is also the finest for PVP encounters.


  Water Gun 12 dps
  Earthquake 46.7 dps


  Mud Shot 10 dps
  Earthquake 46.7 dps


 All moves

Quick move Damage EPS DPS
 Mud Shot 5 11.7 10
 Water Gun 5 10 12

Main move Damage EPS DPS
 Earthquake 140 -27.8 46.7
 Stone Edge 100 -43.5 43.5
 Sludge Bomb 80 -21.7 34.8
 Acid Spray 20 -16.7 6.7
 Frustration Shadow 10 -16.5 5
 Return Purified 35 -47.1 50

The green moves benefit from the Same Type Attack Bonus and deliver 20% more damage.

Pokemon Quagsair - Generation 2 Pokemon ranked 195 in the Pokedex... He is a water and earth type Pokémon that dwells in the Joto area. This is the last stage in Pokemon Wooper's evolution.

Parameters and characteristics of Pokémon Quagsair

Max BS 2252
Атака 152
Protection 143
Resistance 216

How to find and catch Pokémon Quagsire?

Pokémon Quagsire may be found near any body of water, including ponds, rivers, oceans, and swamps. Quagsaira may be found throughout the city around fountains, pools, and water parks.

Quagsire is an uncommon sighting on the map. It's a serious possibility if you develop Pokemon Whooper.

The Pokemon Quagsire is one of the numerous monsters that may be captured in Pokemon Go. Quagsire is a Johto second generation region that was included in the February 16, 2017 update.

#195 Quagsire Info

Type Candy Needed to Evolve
Water / Ground 50 Wooper Candy


  • Evolves into: None

  • Evolves from: Wooper

  • Hatches from: Egg (5KM)

Combat Moves

To attack with combat moves, tap the screen when in battle and the pokemon will unleash their attacks as fast as they are able. Repeated attacks will build up the bars on their special meter. When any or all bars are filled, hold down on the screen for a moment to unleash a special move.

Possible Attack Moves
Name Type Damage
Water Gun Water 10
Mud Shot Ground 9

Possible Special Moves
Name Type Damage Number of Special Bars
Sludge Bomb Poison 80 1
Earthquake Ground 120 2
Stone Edge Rock 100 3



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