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Hoenn Pokémon Eggs 2018 Event

For a limited period, Niantic has announced that every Egg in Pokemon Go will now hatch into a generation three Pokémon.
According to the game's official Japanese Twitter account, the Hoenn Pokémon Eggs 2018 Event offer will run from January 24 to February 1. With the recent modifications to the game, this promotion seems ideal. Not only are Super Incubators on sale for a limited time, allowing you to hatch Eggs quicker, but Niantic has also added 23 new Pokémon from Generation 3 to the game. The following Pokemon have been verified to be in the game as a result of the picture featured in the announcement post:
  • Whismur
  • Loudred
  • Exploud
  • Aron
  • Lairon
  • Aggron
  • Numel
  • Camerupt
  • Trapinch
  • Vibrava
  • Flygon
  • Cacnea
  • Cacturne
  • Lunatone
  • Solrock
  • Nosepass
  • Torkoal
  • Baltoy
  • Claydol
  • Lileep
  • Cradily
  • Anortih
  • Armaldo
Let us know whether you caught the aforementioned Pokemon in the comments section below. On January 20, Pokemon Go celebrated its inaugural Community Day, giving players double XP, 3 hour lures, and a surfing Pikachu for those in the United States. On February 24, Niantic announced a second Community Day, which would include the rare Pokémon Dratini with an unique move, as well as 3 hour lures and triple the stardust when capturing a Pokemon.
pokemon-hoenn-epl-1242 Version 0.89.1 for Android and 1.59.1 for iOS was recently released. Niantic's patch notes are as follows: The Pokémon collection screen now scrolls to the top after evolving, transferring, or renaming a Pokémon. The Pokédex may now be sorted by region. While picking an incubator, the sorting order of the incubators has been improved. The way Pokémon scale across the app has been improved. Numerous bug fixes and performance improvements have been made. Kyogre, the flagship Pokemon of Pokemon Sapphire, first appeared in Raid Battles on January 12 and will be accessible to fight and capture until February 14, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. PST / 4:00 p.m. EST.

Pokémon Go Gen 3 Egg Update: Trapinch, Nosepass And More

pokemon go eggs gen 3 nosepass aron trapinch

Hoenn Pokémon Eggs 2018 Event is Here!

  Nosepass, Aron, and Trapinch may now be found in Pokémon GoNIANTIC/PLAYER.ONE eggs. In Pokémon Go, a recent update to Gen 3 eggs now contains all 23 new Pokémon from the Hoenn Area. A majority of the Pokémon that emerge in 2, 5 and 10 kilometer Eggs haven't altered much; nevertheless, the introduction of some of Hoenn Pokémon provides trainers more reason to incubate their Eggs as quickly as possible to catch some of the rarest 'mon in the game. Eggs gathered from PokeStops before to the January 23 update will not include these new Pokémon, so make sure you clear your excess to get these new Eggs. Here's a list of the Pokémon Go Eggs and the Pokémon that have hatched from them. New Pokémon from the most recent update are highlighted.
2 KM EGGS Poochyena Zigzagoon Wurmple Whismur Aron Gulpin Wailmer Spoink Barboach Luvdisc 5 KM EGGS Treecko Torchic Mudkip Lotad Seedot Shroomish Makuhita Azuril Nosepass Skitty Carvanha Numel Cacnea Corphish Baltoy Lileep Anorith Shuppet Duskull Wynaut Snorunt Spheal 10 KM EGGS Ralts Slakoth Trapinch Feebas The second wave of Hoenn Pokémon in Pokémon Go, which debuted on January 23, included'mon that would ordinarily be found in the desert. Several Ground and Rock-type Pokémon, such as Trapinch and Nosepass, are now present in the wild. Additional Pokémon, such as Cacnea and Whismur, have been discovered since the second wave of Gen 3 Pokémon arrived on Pokémon Go. Check out the list of the 23 new Pokémon in Pokémon Go for all the details. By the end of 2017, the Hoenn Region invaded Pokémon with its first wave of Gen 3 Pokémon and a brand new Dynamic Weather feature. This new function replicated the outside weather, enabling some Pokémon to emerge more often. Rain meant more Water, snow meant more Ice, and so on. It was also useful for gaining more Stardust and catching stronger Pokémon that emerged during their favored weather. Have you been fortunate enough to hatch one of these new Pokémon? Let us know which Pokémon is your favorite in the comments section below. Hoenn Pokémon Eggs 2018 Event in pokemon go2


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