Cyndaquil Community Day in November 10, 2018

Cyndaquil Heats Up with this Cyndaquil Community Day. Get revved up for the upcoming Pokémon GO Community Day on November 10, starring Cyndaquil. Mark your calendars for November Community Day, featuring the Fire-type Pokémon Cyndaquil, on Saturday, November 10! For three hours, Cyndaquil will occur more often in the wild. There’s also the potential of encountering Shiny Cyndaquil for the first time. If you develop Quilava to gain Typhlosion up to an hour after the event finishes, it will know the amazing Fire-type move Blast Burn! Only Typhlosion developed during this era will learn Blast Burn.   cyndashiny

This past weekend, Pokemon GO fans came out in droves for the opportunity to capture a shiny Beldum and add a Metagross with the extremely strong attack Meteor Mash to their collection. Now Niantic has announced the next Community Day event, which is planned to take place on Saturday, November 10. The November 2018 Community Day event for Pokemon GO will start at 11am Pacific on November 10, which is the customary start time. The highlighted Pokemon this time around is the second generation fire-type starter Pokemon Cyndaquil, whose spawn rate will be considerably enhanced for the full three hours of the event. Cyndaquil's shiny form will likewise be considerably simpler to obtain during Community Day.

Cyndaquil Community Day is Here!

To sweeten the pot, Niantic has revealed some more benefits for Pokemon GO fans to look forward to on Community Day on November 10. Pokemon GO players will gain twice XP for every Pokemon they capture during the event, and double stardust in addition to three hour lure modules. All of this is on top of the potential to receive a Typhlosion with a unique move, which has yet to be confirmed by Niantic.
Past Community Day events have provided gamers the opportunity to obtain Pokemon with special moves, so it's no surprise that the Cyndaquil Community Day is following suit. The exclusive move is supposed to be Blast Burn, although as previously noted, Niantic has yet to make an official announcement. Regardless of what the move is, however, players will have to develop a Quilava into a Typhlosion either during the event or within an hour after it concludes if they wish to acquire the move. Meanwhile, some fans may be shocked that the next Community Day is scheduled only a couple of weeks after the last one, but it looks as if Niantic is holding it in early November to avoid clashing with the Christmas season. After all, the end of November is earmarked for Christmas shopping and Thanksgiving (at least in the United States), and it presumably doesn't want to compete with the holidays. In the meantime, Pokemon GO fans should learn the special Community Day move for Typhlosion over the next couple of weeks or so.   communityday-pokémon-go-Cyndaquil It's time for another Pokemon Go Community Day already! This time, the Fire-type starter from the  Johto games, Cyndaquil, is the star of the November event! Here, we'll go over how to locate a Shiny, what its special move Blast Burn means for it in the meta, the hours of the Cyndaquil Pokemon Go November Community Day and all the additional bonuses Trainers will earn during this event.

Pokemon Go Cyndaquil November Community Day Event

How to Catch a Shiny Cyndaquil

  As with prior Community Days, the odds of sighting a Shiny Cyndaquil are heightened during this November event. Unlike some other Shiny Pokemon (looking at you, Gengar,) the difference between an ordinary and Shiny Cyndaquil is fairly evident. You should have little issue discriminating between the two. If you do have disabilities preventing you from distinguishing the difference, then be on the lookout for the shiny symbol beside Cyndaquil's name and CP on the catch screen. Blast Burn and Your Typhlosion To acquire the Community Day unique move Blast Burn, Trainers must develop their Quilava into a Typhlosion during the Community Day time period. For the United States, Community Day lasts from 2PM EST to 5PM EST, but Trainers may develop their Typhlosion until 6PM EST and still get Blast Burn. Blast Burn elevated Charizard from a respectable Fire-type attacker to a Top-5 Pokemon in the category. Typhlosion won't get as much of a boost owing to its absence of Fire Spin, but it will still be a very formidable Fire-type attacker should your box lack other suitable counters. If it's one of your favorites, you should have no qualms about taking it into combat (but don't use it against Water or Rock types!)

Lures, Stardust, and XP Bonuses

Like usual, every Lure Module set inside the Community Day window will live for three hours, so find your favorite catching site and drop some modules in! Trainers will also gain double Stardust and Catch XP, so pop those Lucky Eggs and Star Pieces while you're at it! I did a same thing for the Squirtle Community Day and about quadrupled my Stardust and leveled up (admittedly, I wasn't very high-leveled back then, but still!) Any added XP helps, particularly as you strive to dredge through your mid-30s, so don't forget your eggs! Have fun this weekend with the Pokemon Go November Cyndaquil Community Day event, Trainers! pokemon_go_shiny_cyndaquil_shiny_quilava_and_shiny_typhlosion_mock_up_screenshots This Community Day becomes even better with double the XP and Stardust received when you capture Pokémon. This applies to any Pokémon you capture, not only Cyndaquil. And Lure Modules will endure for three hours throughout the event, enabling Trainers get the most from this occasion. Check below to find out when the event hours fall in your region of the world:
  • The Americas: 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. PST
  • The Asia-Pacific region: 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. JST
  • Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and India: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. UTC
Stock up on Poké Balls, get your Lure Modules ready, and prepare to meet up with other Trainers to celebrate the Pokémon GO community! When you post your experiences on social media, remember to include the hashtag #PokemonGOCommunityDay so everyone sees your successes. We’ll see you on Saturday, November 10!
Pokemon GO is released today on iOS and Android mobile devices. Source: and @Pokemon


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