pokemon go second charge move before evolving

[caption id="attachment_957" align="alignnone" width="300"]Best Pokemon to Unlock 2nd Charge Move Best Pokemon to Unlock 2nd Charge Move[/caption]
Regardless assuming you are getting ready for the month to month Silph Arena Cup, assaults or just to take your Pokemon to your maximum capacity, it is generally great to research which Pokemon you ought to contribute your stardust and candy on to open your subsequent charge assault. Will it be commendable, or simply a misuse of assets? This guide will feature a few strong ventures for opening second charge moves. As a speedy update, this guide its just an idea, If you need to save your assets to you most loved pokémon, or to other inaccessible in this rundown, really depends on you. These are the better choices as per various sources, yet you have generally the last word on your Pokémon! Without further do, we should have take a gander at those you need to watch out for

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Pokémon that cost 10.000 Stardust and 25 candy to unlock 2nd charge move[ps2id id='Pokémon that cost 10.000 Stardust and 25 candy to unlock 2nd charge move' target=''/]

Let’s start with the lower-cost Pokemon. Among them are REALLY good options, for example a Charizard with Blast Burn is a must-have. Another must have is Venusaur with Frenzy Plant. Other options includes Gyarados and Altaria, and since some of them (Meganium or Typhlosion) are a little squishy, you might want to equip them with moves that counters its weakness.
Pokémon Name First Charge Move Second Charge Move
Venusaur Frenzy Plant Grass Sludge Bomb Poison
Charizard Blast Burn Fire Dragon Claw Dragon
Meganium Frenzy Plant Grass Earthquake Ground
Typhlosion Blast Burn Fire Solar Beam Grass
Swampert Hydro Cannon Water Earthquake Ground
Sceptile Frenzy Plant Grass
  • Aerial Ace Flying
  • Earthquake Ground
Gyarados Hydro Pump Water Outrage Dragon Crunch Dark
Altaria Sky Attack Flying
  • Dragon Pulse Dragon
  • Dazzling Gleam Fairy

Baby Pokemon that cost 10.000 Stardust and 25 candy to unlock 2nd charge move[ps2id id='Baby Pokemon that cost 10.000 Stardust and 25 candy to unlock 2nd charge move' target=''/]

Next we have the child Pokémon. They cost is equivalent to the above pokemon, however provided that it stays in its child structure. Assuming you advance to another stage, that Pokemon will turn out to be more costly to step up, so watch out. As such, is it prescribed to open its subsequent charge move while still in child structures, and afterward advance it to its last structure. This way can't avoid being far more less expensive with regards to Stardust and candy venture. These pokemon are:
Pokémon First Charge Move Second Charge Move
Budew Solar Beam Grass Sludge Bomb Poison
Togepi Dazzling Gleam Fairy Aerial Ace Flying
Riolu Close Combat Fighting Shadow Ball Dark
Smoochum Avalanche Ice Psyshock Psychic
Magby Fire Punch Fire Brick Break Fighting
Tyrogue Close Combat Fighting
  • Stone Edge Rock
  • Fire Punch* Fire
  • Ice Punch* Ice
  • Thunder Punch* Electric
Elekid Thunderbolt Electric Thunder Punch Electric
*= If you are going for Hitmonchan

Pokemon that costs 50.000 Stardust and 50 Candies to unlock a second charge move[ps2id id='Pokemon that costs 50.000 Stardust and 50 Candies to unlock a second charge move' target=''/]

There a few Pokemon on this side, so you don’t have to worry to invest that much. Still, if you are aiming to one of these, go ahead! They are totally worth the 2nd charged move. These Pokemon are:
Pokemon First Charge Move Second Charge Move
Rhyperior Stone Edge Rock Earthquake Ground
Weavile Avalanche Ice Foul Play Dark
Azumarill Play Rough Fairy Ice Beam Ice

Pokemon that costs 75.000 Stardust and 75 Candies to unlock a second charge move[ps2id id='Pokemon that costs 75.000 Stardust and 75 Candies to unlock a second charge move' target=''/]

We have just 2 Pokemon here. These are your smartest choice, opening a subsequent charge continue on them will without a doubt make them more grounded for PvP uncommonly, however since they have a significant expense, it's not required. They are tanky enough to bargain sufficient harm with just a single maneuver. Once more, the decision is yours, however assuming your are as yet expecting to contribute some Stardust or candy, these Pokemon are:
Pokemon First Charge Move Second Charge Move
Metagross Meteor Mash Steel Earthquake Ground
Tyranitar Stone Edge Rock Crunch Dark

Pokemon that costs 100.000 Stardust and 100 Candies to unlock a second charge move[ps2id id='Pokemon that costs 100.000 Stardust and 100 Candies to unlock a second charge move' target=''/]

At long last, we have the most expensive ones, the legendaries. Luckily for you pockets , they're very little utilized in Great and Ultra League given their high details in the game. And, surprisingly, on attacks, a solitary charge move is all that could possibly be needed to bargain sufficient harm. Given the referenced above and their a lot greater expense, opening a subsequent charge continue on them is really interesting, however assuming you are as yet anticipating do as such, these Pokemon are:
Pokemon First Charge Move Second Charge Move
Giratina Dragon Claw Dragon
  • Ancient Power Rock
  • Shadow Sneak Ghost
Latios Dragon Claw Dragon Solar Beam Grass
Groudon Earthquake Ground
  • Solar Beam Grass
  • Fire Blast Fire
Mewtwo Shadow Ball Ghost
  • Focus Blast Fire
  • Ice Beam Ice
  • Thunderbolt Electric
  • Psystrike Psychic
Lugia Sky Attack Flying Hydro Pump Water
Moltres Sky Attack Flying Overheat Fire
Rayquaza Outrage Dragon
  • Aerial Ace Flying
  • Ancient Power Rock
Keep in mind that this is not a tier list of the best Pokémon for PvP. They are only the ones that we recommend based on their performance in PvP and raids.


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