Pokémon GO Level 40 to 50 Guide: XP, Tasks and Rewards

Pokemon GO Level 50
Pokemon GO Level 50
A step-by-step approach to progressing from Level 40 to Level 50 in Pokémon GO. All level-up chores, XP requirements, and level prizes are detailed in the handbook. At the time of writing, the XP requirements and awards for each level from 41 to 50 are finally revealed.

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Pokémon GO Level 40 to 50 XP requirements, tasks and rewards list[ps2id id='Pokémon GO Level 40 to 50 XP requirements, tasks and rewards list' target=''/]

Level up requirements for Pokémon GO’s Level 40 through 50
As expected, leveling beyond 40 is not easy, but it gives Trainers a lot to do. Here are the XP, Level-up task requirements and rewards from 41 to 50:
Pokémon GO Levels 41 to 50 experience, Tasks and rewards
Level & XP Tasks Rewards
41 6 million
  • Power up a Legendary Pokémon 20 times
  • Win 30 Raids
  • Catch 200 Pokémon in a single day
  • Earn 5 Gold Medals
  • 20 Ultra Ball,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Razz Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
42 7.5 million
  • Evolve Eevee into each of its unique Evolutions
  • Use items to evolve Pokémon 15 times
  • Make 3 Excellent Throws
  • Use 200 Berries to help catch Pokémon
  • 20 Ultra Balls,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Nanab Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
43 9 million
  • Earn 100000 Stardust
  • Use 200 supereffective Charged Attacks
  • Catch 5 Legendary Pokémon
  • Earn 5 Platinum medals
  • 20 Ultra Balls,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Silver Pinap Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
44 11 million
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Great League
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Ultra League
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Master League
  • Win 20 Trainer Battles in the GO Battle League
  • 20 Ultra Balls,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Razz Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
45 13 million
  • Defeat 100 Team GO Rocket Grunts
  • Purify 100 Shadow Pokémon
  • Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 50 times
  • Earn 10 Platinum Medals
  • 40 Ultra Balls,
  • 40 Max Revives
  • 1 Elite Fast TM,
  • 2 XL Candy
  • 2 Incense,
  • 2 Lucky Eggs,
  • 1 Super Incubator,
  • 2 Lures
  • a new hat
46 15.5 million
  • Complete 100 Field Research tasks
  • Take a snapshot of a Pokémon 7 days in a row
  • Make 50 Excellent Throws
  • Hatch 30 Eggs
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 25 Razz Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
47 18 million
  • Win 30 raids using a team of all unique Pokémon species
  • Win a three-star raid using only Pokémon with 1500 CP or less
  • Power up 3 Pokémon to their max CP
  • Earn 20 Platinum Medals
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 25 Nanab Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
  • new pose
48 21 million
  • Receive 20 Souvenirs from your Buddy
  • Earn 300 hearts with your Buddy
  • Walk 200 km with your Buddy
  • Walk 25 km in a week 8 times
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 15 Silver Pinap Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
49 25 million
  • Make 10 trades with Pokémon caught at least 300 km apart
  • Obtain 50 Lucky Pokémon in trades
  • Send 500 Gifts to Friends
  • Earn 35 Platinum medals
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 25 Pinap Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
  • new shoes
50 30 million
  • Make 999 Excellent Throws
  • Catch a Legendary Pokémon in your next 5 Legendary Pokémon encounters
  • Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 3 times using only Pokémon with 2,500 CP or less
  • Reach Level 10 in GO Battle League
  • 50 Ultra Balls,
  • 50 Max Potions
  • 1 Elite Charge TM,
  • 2 XL Candy
  • 5 Incense,
  • 5 Lucky Eggs,
  • 5 Super Incubator,
  • 5 Lure Modules
  • new clothes

Pokémon GO Level 41 Tasks and Rewards[ps2id id='Pokémon GO Level 41 Tasks and Rewards' target=''/]

In order to reach Level 41 in Pokémon GO, you will have to power up Legendary Pokémon, win 30 Raids and catching more than 200 Pokémon in a single day.
Pokémon GO Level 41 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Power up a Legendary Pokémon 20 times
  • Win 30 Raids
  • Catch 200 Pokémon in a single day
  • Earn 5 Gold Medals
  • 20 Ultra Ball,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Razz Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy

Increase the power of a Legendary Pokémon by 20 times.[ps2id id='Power up a Legendary Pokémon 20 times' target=''/]

The simplest method to fulfill this objective is to look for Legendary Pokémon with the lowest level in your storage. Move on to the next lower-level Legendary with as little sweets as possible. Try to avoid powering up the same Legendary many times, since this will cause the Candy cost to skyrocket. Another nice idea is to utilize Rare Candy to boost an existing Legendary.

30 Raids won[ps2id id='Win 30 Raids' target=''/]

Winning 30 Raids might take a month for Free-to-Play players since you only receive one Free Daily Pass, but there are methods to speed this up. Premium Raid passes may be obtained by spending actual money. We're certain you'll breeze through this challenge, particularly during Raid Hour events. If you don't want to spend money on the game, remember to use your local Gyms to attempt to gain 50 Coins every day. Earning 50 PokéCoins via each Gym defense may cut the time it takes to achieve this challenge down to only 15 days without spending any money on the game.

In a single day, you may capture 200 Pokémon.[ps2id id='Catch 200 Pokémon in a single day' target=''/]

Getting 200 Pokémon might be difficult, particularly if you reside in a remote location. One of the finest ways to perform this work is via Community Day activities. [caption id="attachment_1013" align="alignnone" width="223"]Pokémon GO Level 41 Requirements Pokémon GO Level 41 Requirements[/caption] Outside of Community Day events, you may complete this assignment in a few hours by using Research Tasks, Incense, Lures, and frequent wild encounters.

Pokémon GO Level 42 Tasks and Rewards[ps2id id='Pokémon GO Level 42 Tasks and Rewards' target=''/]

In order to reach Level 42 in Pokémon GO, you will have to evolve at least 7 Eevee, evolve Pokémon using items, get Excellent throws and use berries to help catch more Pokémon.
Pokémon GO Level 42 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Evolve Eevee into each of its unique Evolutions
  • Use items to evolve Pokémon 15 times
  • Make 3 Excellent Throws
  • Use 200 Berries to help catch Pokémon
  • 20 Ultra Balls,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Nanab Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy

Eevee must evolve into each of its distinct Evolutions.[ps2id id='Evolve Eevee into each of its unique Evolutions' target=''/]

If you haven't previously evolved Eevee using the Eevee renaming method, you may use to evolve Eevee into the needed form. It should be noted, however, that this approach only works once. Trainers, on the other hand, may need a short reminder on how to get your Eevee to evolve without using the renaming technique. If you are unable to utilize the naming trick, we have also supplied the usual evolution approach.
Pokémon How to evolve Nickname
Flareon A random evolution between Flareon, Jolteon & Vaporeon. Pyro
Jolteon See above. Sparky
Vaporeon See above. Rainer
  • Walk at least 10 KM with an Eevee as your Buddy and evolve the Eevee in the daytime (when the map is in its day state)
  • Remember to Keep Eevee as your Buddy while evolving!
Umbreon Same as above but evolve at night-time (when the Map is in its night state). Tamao
Glaceon Evolve an Eevee next to a Pokestop that has an active Glacial Lure on it. Linnea
Leafeon Evolve an Eevee next to a Pokestop that has an active Mossy Lure on it. Rea
Hopefully, that clarifies things, but don't be taken off guard (as I have in the past) by replacing your existing companion before evolving it. When you press "evolution," the Eevee you walked 10 kilometers with MUST BE your companion, else you will end up with another Vaporeaon, Jolteon, or Flareon and be disappointed.

Use items to evolve Pokémon 15 times[ps2id id='Use items to evolve Pokémon 15 times' target=''/]

You can obtain evolution items from your 7-Day PokéStop spin, Go Battle league battles and rarely from regular PokéStop spins. The list of items you can use is as follows:
  • Metal Coat
  • King’s Rock
  • Sun Stone
  • Dragon Scale
  • Up-Grade
  • Sinnoh Stone
  • Unova Stone

Make 3 Excellent Throws[ps2id id='Make 3 Excellent Throws' target=''/]

Find Pokémon with larger catching circles like Wailmer, Ponyta, Slowbro and Legendary Pokémon to make this easier. It’s not easy at all to consistently land Excellent throws, but these don’t have to be done in a row.

Use 200 Berries to help catch Pokémon[ps2id id='Use 200 Berries to help catch Pokémon' target=''/]

[caption id="attachment_1014" align="alignnone" width="139"]Pokémon GO Level 41 Requirements Pokémon GO Level 41 Requirements[/caption] A pretty straightforward task. Community Days will be your best bet to complete this one as well. Throw a Pinap berry or Razz berry at every Pokémon before catching it. Spin Stops and Gyms, open Gifts and complete Raids to get more berries as you progress through the task.

Pokémon GO Level 43 Tasks and Rewards[ps2id id='Pokémon GO Level 43 Tasks and Rewards' target=''/]

In order to reach Level 43 in Pokémon GO, you will have to you earn 100k Stardust, use 200 super-effective charged attacks and catch 5 Legendary Pokémon.
Pokémon GO Level 43 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Earn 100000 Stardust
  • Use 200 supereffective Charged Attacks
  • Catch 5 Legendary Pokémon
  • Earn 5 Platinum medals
  • 20 Ultra Balls,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Silver Pinap Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy

Accumulate 100,000 Stardust

The Ultimate Stardust Guide: Farming, Trading, Second Charge Move, and Powering Up There is no simple method to grind Stardust, but making the most of your Star Pieces is your best chance. Community Day events are an excellent source of Stardust, but keep a watch out for Events with 2x and 4x Stardust payouts.

Use 200 Charged Attacks that are very effective.

Gym battles: if feasible, partner up with a few friends who are on a different team, take over a Gym, toss your Pokémon in, and let your buddies beat them down. Repeat this process while swapping Gym ownership. SE charge maneuvers are also useful in raid engagements, Go League bouts, and Go Rocket takeovers. For this to count, you must have a Pokémon with an extremely effective charged attack on hand. [caption id="attachment_1015" align="alignnone" width="300"]Pokémon GO Level 43 Requirements Pokémon GO Level 43 Requirements[/caption]

Obtain 5 Legendary Pokémon.

Exactly what it says on the tin. This will take an hour if you have Premium Raid passes and are participating in a Raid Hour event, or 5 days if you are a Free-to-Play player.

Pokémon GO Level 44 Tasks and Rewards[ps2id id='Pokémon GO Level 44 Tasks and Rewards' target=''/]

In order to reach Level 44 in Pokémon GO, you will have to win Trainer Battles in each of the 3 Leagues and win 20 ranked GO Battle leagues matches.
Pokémon GO Level 44 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Great League
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Ultra League
  • Win 30 Trainer Battles in the Master League
  • Win 20 Trainer Battles in the GO Battle League
  • 20 Ultra Balls,
  • 20 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 20 Razz Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy

In the Great League, you must win 30 Trainer Battles.

The fastest and simplest method to do this challenge is to fight a buddy in the Great League, with one of you attacking and the other not defending. Make certain that the loser does not assault or obstruct. Rinse and repeat until you've achieved your goals. To expedite things, form a team of three Pokémon of the same kind (for example, Machop) and have your buddy utilize three Psychic types. Once your buddy has earned their victories, request that they do the same for you. You want to be the super-effective type here, doing maximum damage and therefore annihilating the lineup.

In the Ultra League, you must win 30 Trainer Battles.

In the Ultra league, the rules are the same as stated above.

In the Master League, you must win 30 Trainer Battles.

In the Master League, the rules are the same as stated above.

In the GO Battle League, you must win 20 Trainer Battles.

[caption id="attachment_1016" align="alignnone" width="300"]Pokémon GO Level 44 Requirements Pokémon GO Level 44 Requirements[/caption] Follow our PvP tips and infographics to establish a solid foundation in the current league, and you should be able to win a few matches. They will get more difficult as your rank rises, but 20 victories should only lead you to Ranks 4–6, so you should be OK even if you aren't a seasoned expert.

Pokémon GO Level 45 Tasks and Rewards[ps2id id='Pokémon GO Level 45 Tasks and Rewards' target=''/]

In order to reach Level 45 in Pokémon GO, you will have to defeat GO rocket grunts, purify Shadow Pokémon, defeat GO Rocket Leaders and earn Platinum Medals.
Pokémon GO Level 45 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Defeat 100 Team GO Rocket Grunts
  • Purify 100 Shadow Pokémon
  • Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 50 times
  • Earn 10 Platinum Medals
  • 40 Ultra Balls,
  • 40 Max Revives
  • 1 Elite Fast TM,
  • 2 XL Candy
  • 2 Incense,
  • 2 Lucky Eggs,
  • 1 Super Incubator,
  • 2 Lures
  • a new hat

100 Team GO Rocket Grunts must be defeated.

For this one, make sure to combat every Grunt balloon you see and every PokéStop takeover. Also, before transferring any Shadow Pokémon, be sure to capture and purify them. This will assist with the following stage.

100 Shadow Pokémon must be purified.

This is a rather monotonous and time-consuming assignment, but if you follow my recommendations from the Defeat 100 Team GO Rocket grunts task, you should finish it at the same time. Keep going; you'll get there in the end.

50 times, defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader

Unfortunately, there is no fast way out of this issue. You may beat 2-3 Rocket Leaders every week if you combat each of your GO Rocket Grunt Balloons every day. Fighting random Grunts at PokéStop takeovers, on the other hand, will hasten this process. Continue fighting and capturing those enigmatic components, and maybe you'll be able to cross this one off your list within a few weeks.

Obtain ten Platinum Medals

As absurd as it may seem, this is most likely one of the easiest criteria for this level. If you've been playing the game for a time, you may have noticed that some of your gold medals are gleaming. This signifies you've received the Platinum Medal for that specific task. Continue to play, focusing on a certain Medal and blasting through it. [caption id="attachment_1018" align="alignnone" width="300"]Pokémon GO Level 45 Requirements Pokémon GO Level 45 Requirements[/caption]

Pokémon GO Level 46 Tasks and Rewards[ps2id id='Pokémon GO Level 46 Tasks and Rewards' target=''/]

To obtain Level 46 in Pokémon GO, you must complete 100 Field Research, take a Pokémon snapshot 7 days in a row, hatch 30 Eggs, and make 50 Excellent throws.
Pokémon GO Level 46 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Complete 100 Field Research tasks
  • Take a snapshot of a Pokémon 7 days in a row
  • Make 50 Excellent Throws
  • Hatch 30 Eggs
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 25 Razz Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy

100 Field Research assignments must be completed

Not necessarily a difficult task, but it may be depending on the Tasks available at your local Stops. To expedite things, focus on the simple duties - utilize berries, create lovely throws, and so forth. Take a picture of a Pokémon seven days in a row. If you don't forget to do it, it's an easy job!

Make 50 great throws.

The same advice as previously applies (see a similar task on Level 42). Raid Legendary Pokémon to make things easy for yourself since they frequently have the biggest capture circles, but otherwise have a healthy number of balls and Nanab berries on hand to limit a Pokémon's mobility to a minimum and take your time.

30 Eggs will hatch

Only hatch 2km eggs if feasible. If there is a current event that minimizes the distance between Egg hatching, consider putting PokéCoins on Incubators and having many hatches at the same time. But don't spend your life money on Coins. [caption id="attachment_1019" align="alignnone" width="300"]Pokémon GO Level 46 Requirements Pokémon GO Level 46 Requirements[/caption]

Pokémon GO Level 47 Tasks and Rewards[ps2id id='Pokémon GO Level 47 Tasks and Rewards' target=''/]

In Pokémon GO, you must perform 30 Raids with unique species, win a Tier 3 raid with only 1500 CP Pokémon, use Stardust to power up Pokémon, and gain 20 Platinum medals to reach Level 47.
Pokémon GO Level 47 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Win 30 raids using a team of all unique Pokémon species
  • Win a three-star raid using only Pokémon with 1500 CP or less
  • Power up 3 Pokémon to their max CP
  • Earn 20 Platinum Medals
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 25 Nanab Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
  • new pose

Win 30 raids with a team made up of all different Pokémon species.

The quickest method to finish this assignment is to raid Tier 1 and Tier 3 raids using various Pokémon teams. Although Tier 5 raids should be included in your advancement, they are not soloable and often need a particular collection of Pokémon that you are likely to have utilized in previous raiding levels. Win a three-star raid using only Pokémon that have 1500 CP or less. This might be difficult, but attempt to re-use the Pokémon you maxed up for The Great League and those are very powerful against the Tier 3 raid monster you're after. You may utilize our Pokemon GO Raid Guides to determine which Pokémon are effective against that boss, and then choose similarly typing Pokémon with less than 1500 CP.

3Pokémon should be powered up to their maximum CP.

There isn't much to say here — you need to level up three Pokémon to their maximum CP. If you want to save Stardust, we recommend focusing on Lucky Pokémon.

Accumulate 20 Platinum Medals

Focus on frequent playtime and you will ultimately attain this objective, similar to the Earn 10 Platinum medals required on Level 45. [caption id="attachment_1020" align="alignnone" width="139"]Pokémon GO Level 47 Requirements Pokémon GO Level 47 Requirements[/caption]

Pokémon GO Level 48 Tasks and Rewards[ps2id id='Pokémon GO Level 48 Tasks and Rewards' target=''/]

In order to reach Level 48 in Pokémon GO, you will have to maximize your walking activity for 8 weeks, interact with your Buddy and collect 300 hearts.
Pokémon GO Level 47 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Receive 20 Souvenirs from your Buddy
  • Earn 300 hearts with your Buddy
  • Walk 200 km with your Buddy
  • Walk 25 km in a week 8 times
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 15 Silver Pinap Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
Read our Pokémon GO Buddy Guide: Everything You Need to Know for more information on Buddy Pokémon.

Your Buddy will send you 20 souvenirs.

To get Souvenirs from your Buddy, you must have an Ultra Buddy. Because Souvenir drops are random, this may take some time.

Collect 300 hearts with your Buddy.

To boost your Buddy friendship level, you may earn up to 10 Hearts every day. You may earn up to 20 Affection Hearts if your Buddy's mood is "Excited." If you accomplish your daily activities on a daily basis, you may finish this challenge in 30 days (or fewer). Again, check to our Buddy Guide for a comprehensive list of actions that may earn you Buddy Hearts.

Walk 200 kilometers with your buddy.

We highly recommend that you activate Adventure Sync and allow Pokémon GO to monitor your position in the background for this challenge, as well as for walking 25 km in a week 8 times. Otherwise, this will take you weeks to complete.

8 days a week, walk 25 kilometers

As previously stated, Start walking after activating Adventure Sync. [caption id="attachment_1021" align="alignnone" width="300"]Pokémon GO Level 48 Requirements Pokémon GO Level 48 Requirements[/caption]

Pokémon GO Level 49 Tasks and Rewards[ps2id id='Pokémon GO Level 49 Tasks and Rewards' target=''/]

Reach level 49 by sending Gifts, acquiring Lucky Pokémon through trades, and more.
Pokémon GO Level 49 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Make 10 trades with Pokémon caught at least 300 km apart
  • Obtain 50 Lucky Pokémon in trades
  • Send 500 Gifts to Friends
  • Earn 35 Platinum medals
  • 30 Ultra Balls,
  • 25 Max Potions,
  • 20 Max Revives,
  • 25 Pinap Berries
  • 1 Incubator,
  • 1 Premium Raid ticket
  • 1 XL Candy
  • new shoes

Make ten exchanges with Pokémon captured at least 300 kilometers apart.

This can be done pretty quickly if you or someone you know has been preserving 7km egg hatches with a distance of 300km or more. If you're having trouble with this stage, social media has made it a lot easier to friend individuals from all over the globe. Make a few new buddies, collect those 7km eggs, hatch them, and then trade.

Obtain 50 Lucky Pokémon via trades.

Of course, having a fortunate buddy to swap with is the simplest way to do this. However, if you have someone with whom you can trade immediately accessible, you may trade up to 100 times every day to accomplish this. This assignment is entirely dependent on chance.

Send 500 Gifts to Family and Friends

The maximum number of presents we may send in a single day is 100. As a result, it will take at least 5 days to finish.

Accumulate 35 Platinum medals

Possibly the most "tough" assignment of the lot. We may get platinum for 18 different types of medals. That's already half of the total. The remainder of your platinum medals will be earned using your selected play style. There is no correct or incorrect method to do this activity. [caption id="attachment_1022" align="alignnone" width="154"]Pokémon GO Level 49 Requirements Pokémon GO Level 49 Requirements[/caption]

Pokémon GO Level 50 Tasks and Rewards[ps2id id='Pokémon GO Level 50 Tasks and Rewards' target=''/]

To unlock the maximum level in Pokémon GO, you must master all facets of the game. Making Excellent Throws, capturing Legendary Pokémon, and beating Team GO Rocket Leaders with Pokémon with less than 2,500 CP are just a few instances, so you can tell this will be the final test of whether you're ready to stand among the most experienced Trainers in Pokémon GO.
Pokémon GO Level 50 Tasks and Rewards
Level-up Tasks Rewards
  • Make 999 Excellent Throws
  • Catch a Legendary Pokémon in your next 5 Legendary Pokémon encounters
  • Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader 3 times using only Pokémon with 2,500 CP or less
  • Reach Level 10 in GO Battle League
  • 50 Ultra Balls,
  • 50 Max Potions
  • 1 Elite Charge TM,
  • 2 XL Candy
  • 5 Incense,
  • 5 Lucky Eggs,
  • 5 Super Incubator,
  • 5 Lure Modules
  • new clothes

Make 999 Perfect Throws

Large Pokémon and raid monsters (for example, Legendaries) are the easiest to reliably hit fantastic throws on. However, this is a time-consuming procedure. Finish at your own speed.

Obtain a Legendary Pokémon in each of your following five Legendary Pokémon encounters.

Without 100% certainty, it seems you must assure catching your following 5 Legendary raid Pokémon. If you miss one, the game restarts. *At this moment, we will wait for confirmation.

Defeat a Team GO Rocket Leader three times with only Pokémon with 2,500 or less CP.

We will provide a guide that will completely beat any leader with 2,500 CP or fewer Pokémon. Keep an eye out for it.

Get to Level 10 in the GO Battle League.

In our current season (season 6), it takes around 52 bouts and 37 victories to achieve position 10. Depending on your skill level, you might expect at least 75 bouts. [caption id="attachment_1023" align="alignnone" width="300"]Pokémon GO Level 50 Requirements Pokémon GO Level 50 Requirements[/caption]

Summary[ps2id id='Summary' target=''/]

Leveling up over 40 was a huge source of contention in the past. Many players claimed that just needing to earn a large amount of XP would leave some players in the dust, while others who paid on a regular basis would quickly reach maximum level. Fortunately, Niantic has given some serious thinking into how to avoid this problem, and it's evident that the transition from 40-50 is purposefully supposed to be difficult and not something that can be completed in a few of days (depending on your grinding habits). The addition of a time-gated challenge, such as taking a photo of a Pokémon seven days in a row, is something that most players will have taken for granted until now, but it requires you to utilize all components of the game that you may not have used in a while. Personally, I'm excited to see a new Pokémon Go challenge! [caption id="attachment_1024" align="alignnone" width="300"]Pokémon GO Level 50 Requirements Pokémon GO Level 50 In Pokemon GO[/caption]

Bonus Rewards For Reaching 40 Before The End of 2020[ps2id id='Bonus Rewards For Reaching 40 Before The End of 2020' target=''/]

If you achieve Level 40 before the end of the year, you'll get a Legacy 40 medal, as well as Timed Research, which rewards you with a Gyarados cap. To help you get there, Double Catch Experience will be available from 21:00 UTC tonight until December 31st, local time. All of the activities and incentives for this Timed research can be found in our Legacy 40 Challenge Timed Research Tasks and Rewards guide. https://pokemongocentral.one/2022/04/20/pokemon-go-level-40-to-50-guide-xp-tasks-and-rewards/?feed_id=4037&_unique_id=626016c1b2c64


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